'Without demeaning Einstein, I believe the most astounding achievement of a single human mind in all of history was that of Panini, 2,500 years ago. He achieved a Grand Unified Theory of Language: An even more daunting task... Computer scientists in the 1950s rediscovered the Paninian rules for formal languages; for instance, the C language is defined by 100 or so rules in the Panini-Backus form.'
The Tata group has done yet another Nano -- this time in the water purifier segment. Group company Tata Chemicals on Monday launched a compact water purifier, called 'Swach', which means clean in Hindi.
Nearly two decades after he invented the world wide web, British scientist Sir Tim Berners -Lee has admitted that "forward slashes" in Internet addresses "were a mistake".
India's own Moon Impact Probe on board the country's maiden unmanned lunar craft Chandrayaan-I had also detected evidence of water on the moon in a finding confirmed by US space agency NASA which too had an instrument onboard Chandrayaan-I.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration astronaut Colonel Michael (Mike) Fincke, a veteran of two space expeditions of total duration of over 365 days, on Friday termed the Indian Space Research Organisation's Chandrayaan-1 mission a grand success, despite the abrupt end to the mission due to a technical problem.
With Mumbai receiving poor rainfall in catchment areas in 2009, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation has been carrying out cloud seeding operations at Tansa lake.
Mumbai-based Ajanta Pharma has tied up with the Canadian vaccine maker, Medicago Inc, to commercialise Medicago's pandemic and seasonal influenza vaccines in India and other territories.
"I hate to call it the God particle," says Bihar-born Professor Vivek Sharma, one of the first people to know about the existence of the Higgs Boson, which scientists say is key to understanding the universe in an interview to George Joseph
"I hate to call it the God particle," says Bihar-born Professor Vivek Sharma, one of the first people to know about the existence of the Higgs Boson, which scientists say is key to understanding the universe in an interview to George Joseph
We present to you an exclusive excerpt from Juggi Bhasin's book The Terrorist. Read on!
Japanese workers at the tsunami-hit Fukushima nuclear plant on Tuesday plugged a crack leaking highly toxic water into the sea from a concrete pit, though authorities were concerned about a possible hydrogen blast due to the build up of gas at a stricken reactor.
According to McAfee security experts, Internet domain registrations mentioning the word 'swine' have gone up, ndicating a rise in malicious sites that take advantage of the scare. A new site offers a dodgy 'Swine Flu Prevention Guide' for $19.95, Mcafee says, while another company claims H1N1 cure that works in 12 hours, the report says.
Two Indian American scientists -- Dr Romesh C Batra and Dr Kodi S Ravichandran -- were among the four Outstanding Scientists of 2011 honoured with the Governor's Award for Science Innovation by Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell.
The analysis of this data that could lead to the discovery of the Higgs boson, also called as the 'God particle', that is believed to have existed when the universe was born, said Prof Satyaki Bhattacharya of Delhi University who is involved in the LHC experiment.
Scientists will be stepping up efforts to detect the elusive 'God Particle' by triggering collision of two proton beams in the world's largest atom smasher located on the Franco-Swiss border on the outskirts of Geneva on Tuesday.
The first gamma-ray burst to be seen in high-resolution from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope is one for the record books. The blast had the greatest total energy, the fastest motions and the highest-energy initial emissions ever seen.Gamma-ray bursts are the universe's most luminous explosions. Astronomers believe most occur when exotic massive stars run out of nuclear fuel.
Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office Prithviraj Chavan said sending a spacecraft to Mars would help in understanding the evolution of the planet by studying the Martian atmosphere and ionosphere.
The Indian Navy will formally induct the Russian-made MiG-29K naval fighter jets for deployment on Admiral Gorshkov aircraft carrier on February 19 in Goa.
Explaining the mission, the agency, NASA on Sunday said just as an impressionist artist makes an image from countless tiny strokes of paint, IBEX will build an image of the outer boundary of the solar system from impacts on the spacecraft by high-speed particles called energetic neutral atoms.
Snow falling from the Martian clouds have been detected by NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander, with possibilities of it even reaching the planet's surface. Laser instruments on the lander have detected the snow clouds about 2.5 miles above the spacecraft's landing site and also followed its precipitation.
India has made major scientific and technological contribution to this new atom smasher also called the Large Hadron Collider. LHC is expected to answer several facts of fundamental nature of the universe that remains a mystery, said the scientists of Tata Institute of Fundamental Research.
Mumbai, Pune, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad and Patna are among 16 cities in the country where old vehicles will soon be phased out. The phase-out will extend to private and commercial vehicles.
'Dogs may increase airborne particles that would encourage inflammation and thereby alter upper airway anatomy early in life, causing an increased susceptibility for adult snoring,' said lead researcher Karl Franklin of University Hospital Ume.
An international team has carried out the study and found that smoke from vessels at sea or in port is affecting the air quality of many coastal cities across the world, which in turn is harming the health of many beach walkers. According to researchers, 'primary sulphate' in ship emissions, consisting of tiny sulphur particles less than 1.5 microns across, when breathed in, can harm the lungs posing a serious health hazard, the Daily Mail reported.
Medical science would also derive huge benefits from use of nanotechnology as detection and treatment of serious diseases like Aids and cancer would be easier. With increasing importance of power generation through non-conventional energy sources, Nano technology would be of great help as it could considerably increase the capacity of photovoltaic cells -- to generate electricity by solar power.
According to a report in Discovery News, though scientists have studied the sun by sending probes to unravel its 11-year cycles, watching its outbursts and measuring how its winds shape the outer edges of the solar system, no spacecraft has been able to enter the its atmosphere as yet.
A scientist is adapting Indian and African road techniques to improve asphalt in various ways by developing cold mixtures that blend polymers or plastics with crude oil-derived asphalt.
The robotic arm of NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has delivered a partial scoopful of clumpy Martian soil to the oven on its Thermal and Evolved-Gas Analyzer instrument, or TEGA. TEGA has eight separate tiny ovens to bake and sniff the soil to assess its volatile ingredients, such as water.
The musician who wrote 'We Will Rock You' went from the school of rock to graduate studies in astrophysics. He emerged with a book on the history of the universe and insight into interplanetary dust.
A team of the Central Pollution Control Board, which visited the fabled Silk Route in 2007, a year after it was reopened for cross border trade between China and India, found that expansion of the trade route was disturbing the ecosystem of the area. "Reopened with an aim to boost trade between China and India, ongoing expansion of one of the world's highest navigable roads is in progress without any precaution of the possible environmental impact," the Board said.
Scientists of the Department of Aerospace Engineering at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore have developed a new innovative technology, which increases the range of Agni type of missiles. The new technology will increases the range of the inter-continental missile by reducing the drag it encountered during its last flight on Wednesday.
Astronomers have managed to get a closer look at the black hole than ever before, allowing them to study how they send out jets of particles at nearly the speed of light. The researchers observed that objects located in the centre of the galaxy get sucked in by the black hole's gravity and orbit the hole's core. The twisted magnetic fields then pull these objects off the orbit and propel them outward at nearly the speed of light.
Most of the drugs now used to fight HIV, which is the retrovirus that causes AIDS, target the virus' own proteins. But those viral targets change quickly and lead to emergence of drug-resistant viral strains. But the scientists found that when they interfered with a human protein called interleukin-2-inducible T cell kinase (ITK), they inhibited HIV infection of key human immune cells called T cells. ITK activates T cells as part of the body's healthy immune response.
According to news article posted on the World Gold Council web site, gold nanoparticles ten thousand times smaller than a human hair could be used to break down chemicals in drinking water and reduce pollution. It said the particles, which mix gold and palladium, are the creation of engineer Michael Wong from Rice University in Houston, Texas.
In what could be termed as a major innovation in the field of male contraception, the Indian Institute of Technology-Kharagpur (IIT-KGP) has invented a unique male contraceptive that can have a continued effect for 10 years. A single 60 mg injection can be effective for at least 10 years. A single dose, which may cost the manufacturer Rs 50, is expected to be marketed at close to Rs 200.
Breathing dirty air even for an hour could have long-term harmful effects on the brain, according to a new study. A team of researchers at Zuyd University in Holland has carried out a study and found that nanoparticles present in exhaust fumes, which reach the brain when inhaled, play a major role in altering the way the human brain functions.
From the resurrected cash-for-votes scandal to a rigged process favouring four foreign vendors -- and from new safety concerns to the special legislation that caps the foreign suppliers' accident liability by burdening the Indian taxpayer -- the nuclear deal's future looks more troubled than ever, says Brahma Chellaney.
Deposit of pollution particles on transmission lines was attributed as the reason for tripping, which officials described as a common phenomenon during winter -- which has been unusually long this year. Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana were the most hit due to the failure in the lines.
Mumbai-based Sun Pharmaceuticals has filed a post-grant opposition with the Mumbai patent office against a product patent granted to the extended release version of Johnson and Johnson's (J&J) blockbuster drug Risperdal, used in the treatment of psychological disorders and schizophrenia.